Villeneuve critical of Ferrari: "Don't think that's necessary in F1"


22 August at 16:27
Last update 22 August at 19:13

For Ferrari, it's not the season they had hoped for. The Maranello-based race team may already have two podium finishes with Charles Leclerc, but the Italians are behind McLaren and Racing Point in the constructors' championship. Jacques Villeneuve expects Ferrari to continue to compete with these teams for the time being.

Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel don't have to think about victories for the time being. "Ferrari has to start all over again", says Villeneuve, who says that this is actually two years back in time. "It's making it very difficult and it's going to take them a lot of time".

Ferrari makes the wrong choice

At Sky Sports, Villeneuve also indicates that in his view it is not wise for so many Italians to work at the most important positions within Ferrari. "They want to make it a real Italian team, but I don't think it's necessary in Formula 1." According to the single world champion, the most important thing is to hire the best people, regardless of nationality.