Stewards have verdict ready on Aston Martin appeal: This is the decision

F1 News

stewards decision on appeal aston martin rejected
3 May at 18:45

Delegates from Aston Martin and Ferrari had to get up early on Friday, because at 8 a.m. local time in Miami the so-called Right to Review was submitted by the British team after a penalty for Fernando Alonso in the sprint race in China. Aston Martin were convinced that they had new evidence, which meant that Alonso's penalty had to be reversed. But after a hearing it turned out that the stewards found no new evidence and therefore rejected the appeal.

Alonso receives hefty penalty after collision with Sainz

During the sprint race for the Chinese Grand Prix, Alonso and Sainz came into contact with each other in a fierce battle. The Aston Martin driver suffered a puncture, which caused him to fall far back in the rankings. The stewards also gave him a hefty time penalty and three penalty points on his license, bringing his total number of penalty points to six.

Aston Martin disagreed. Before the Miami GP, representatives from both Aston Martin and Ferrari had to report to the stewards. The hearing therefore assessed whether there was an important new element that was not yet available to the applicant at the time of the decision in question.

The manufacturer provided new evidence for this case. Alonso would have been in a position to get more space, but the stewards thought differently about this. The document confirms there was new foorage but it didn't add value.