F1 News

red bull racing working on its own series drive to survive

A rival to Drive to Survive? 'Red Bull is working on its own docu-series'

7 November at 15:30
  • Ludo van Denderen

In 2024, Red Bull Racing will celebrate its 20th season in Formula 1. As the reigning constructors' world champion and with the drivers' title holder on board, it should be a great season. And that should be seen by the outside world, the Milton Keynes-based team seems to think. Red Bull reportedly has plans to have a Drive to Survive-style docu-series made about the team.

British magazine Business F1 - a magazine with authority in the F1 paddock - has learned from several sources that Horner has approached media company Box-to-Box Productions to make the four-part series. This is the producer also responsible for Drive to Survive. Team boss Christian Horner is in talks with Netflix and Amazon about airing the series.

Horner thinks it's 'a good idea'

Incidentally, when asked, Horner denies that Red Bull is working on such a series. But his response to the English magazine simultaneously says: "I know nothing about what you are talking about, but it sounds like a good idea."

In the past, Horner has had frequent discussions with parties on behalf of Red Bull about a docu-series around his team, but it did not get off the ground then. In particular, the Briton thought an in-house TV show was interesting at the time because Red Bull has several large, US sponsors. For them, the series would give a lot of exposure.

Drive to Survive has been a resounding success on Netflix for years, thanks in part to Red Bull. In the first season, Mercedes and Ferrari refused to join the programme, giving Red Bull more room to shine. Only in the second season in 2019 did Red Bull's competitors participate for the first time. Thanks to Drive to Survive, interest in Formula 1 has increased significantly, especially in America. This is also reflected in the increased number of US sponsors F1 has welcomed in recent years.