F1 News

Vettel looks back: "Then it felt like I had superpowers"

6 October at 19:37
Last update 7 October at 00:27
  • GPblog.com

Sebastian Vettel is one of the older drivers on the circuits this season. The German driver has had a long career in Formula 1 and has won four world championships. Besides his love for motorsports he has another passion: James Bond.

The Aston Martin driver already had a love for fast cars as a child, which made him a fan of James Bond. Although he shares the love for expensive cars, he also sees enough differences with the movie hero. "James Bond is fiction, the races are real. But sometimes I would also like to have a few buttons with which I can eliminate an opponent in front of or behind me", he states with a laugh in conversation with F1-insider.com.

However, Vettel can remember moments in his career when he felt he was capable of more than usual for a moment. "In 2012, during the race in Brazil, I had to fight my way back to the front from behind after spinning at the start. Then it felt like I had superpowers," said the German driver.

Vettel in eleven place in world championship

Ahead of the Turkish Grand Prix, Vettel is ten points behind number eleven Estebon Ocon. His teammate Lance Stroll is one place below him with eleven points behind Vettel.