Red Bull still looking for staff: "There are not many people on the market for that"

Red Bull Content Pool

F1 News

20 March at 09:25
Last update 20 March at 17:43

Helmut Marko believes the Red Bull Racing engine project is well on track. From 2023 the team should be able to do everything themselves. The Austrian team is still looking for personnel for top positions.

Construction of facilities is on schedule

"From 2023 onwards, we will no longer need to develop the engine ourselves. It's mainly about maintenance and only a little bit of development. The space for that is very limited due to the freeze on further development," Marko told Sky Deutschland.

The construction of the facilities for the Honda engine project are currently on schedule and should be finished next year.

The Honda premises in Milton Keynes are up for sale, but Red Bull has no interest in them for the time being. "We have ordered all the technical requirements. In twelve months everything should be ready, then we can do the work ourselves from 2023," Marko continued.

Shortage of staff

Marko also revealed that the team is still looking for new personnel. Many of the important positions are already filled, but some top positions have very specific requirements. "There are not many people on the market for that. But there will definitely be people from other companies joining us."