F1 News

Norris not entirely satisfied: "The car is rather unpredictable"

31 July at 18:57

Lando Norris says he didn't have an easy day at Silverstone today. The car is unpredictable according to him, but he does think that most drivers had a difficult day today.

Unpredictable car

“So, a lot of mistakes because the car is quite unpredictable. With oversteer and people spinning and so on. I think everyone is struggling. So yeah, it’s difficult to put thing together. To get a proper read on what the car is doing," says Norris in conversation with Sky Sports F1.

"Apart from that It was pretty good. I think we had a good understanding of some of the upgrades we have this weekend and some of the changes," continues the McLaren driver.

Damage during long-run

"But yeah, not the cleanest days in terms of laps. We also ran with a bit of damage in the final run that cost me my long run. But a part from that we were OK,” the Brit adds.