F1 News

Confirmed: McLaren-Mercedes engine partnership to carry on in 2021

21 March at 09:23
  • Nicolás Quarles van Ufford

Despite the technical regulation changes moving from 2021 to 2022, McLaren have confirmed their engine partnership deal with Mercedes will carry on next year as initially planned.

McLaren and Mercedes are a title-winning combination, with the latest being in 2008 when Lewis Hamilton won his maiden championship in dramatic fashion. In 2015, the Woking-based team opted to divorce from Mercedes, however, with Ron Dennis deeming it impossible to win a title as a customer when your engine supplier is the team to beat. 

After three frustrating years, McLaren switched to Renault engines in 2018, before announcing last year they would return to Mercedes in 2021.

The deal was made with an eye on the 2021 regulation changes. With the technical regulation changes now being shifted to 2022 following the coronavirus pandemic, the deal will still go ahead, however, Motorsport-Total.com initially reported. McLaren later confirmed this.

Can McLaren push for titles with Mercedes engines in the back of their car? Or will it be impossible for them to win it as a customer team against the works team?