Norris: 'Never thought about title, the gap is too big'

F1 News

Norris not considering Formula 1 world title for now
24 May at 12:12
  • Tygo Bekkema

Lando Norris is in good form. The McLaren driver won the race in Miami, losing only by less than a second to Max Verstappen last week. Despite the good run of results, the Briton is not thinking about the world title for now. He acknowledges that the 60-point gap to Verstappen is too big and therefore does not want to talk about a possible title fight

" I'm about 60 points behind Max, so, it's a long, long way to go. I'm definitely not thinking of it," a realistic Norris stated on the Thursday ahead of the Monaco Grand Prix. "We've not thought about it at all over the last four weeks. There's plenty of opportunities for us. And we know we still have some things coming in the future and if things turn around, then we can easily start to come back at some of the teams.."

Norris heading to Monaco with new status

Monaco is widely known as the crown jewel in the Formula One calendar. This is the first time Norris has visited the principality with favourites status. He expects an exciting weekend with small differences. "I'm hoping we can have a good result. I think over the last few weeks, we've been a lot more competitive in terms of fighting against Ferrari and fighting against Red Bull, but because it's so different, it can easily go one way or the other, it can easily look really good for us, or it might be that they have some trickier weekend, a weekend or something."

So I think everything is sort of to play for, and it's such a small track, you can easily say all the teams are going to be up there as well. Whether you're going to have Mercedes a bit more back up there. qualifying, you make a tenth, two tenth mistake. It's a big loss around here and I can easily mess up the whole weekend."