F1 News

Norris would rather win the British GP than the Monaco GP 2024 McLaren

Norris would choose to win this GP over the famous Monaco race

23 May at 19:15

Now that Lando Norris has won a Formula One Grand Prix, he can think about winning the next one, so that is his next goal at the moment. The McLaren driver did defend the famous Monte-Carlo track, however, if he could choose, he would rather win a different Grand Prix this season.

Norris defended the Monaco circuit, and does not understand the current fuss about no overtaking in the principality. "I don't think you can say anymore, it's been like this since Monaco started. It's just people in the world are more stubborn nowadays that they just get frustrated that there's not an overtake. It's been like this for 10, 15, 20 years. Nothing's changed. It's always been about a race on Saturday and things happen on Sunday, but it's the same. I don't know why people always say, is it the same as that? Like ten years ago or 15 years ago? There was hardly any overtakes then and there still isn't now. I don't think that's changed," the McLaren driver told GPblog among others.

The Briton continued with his criticism as he argued in favour of the Monaco track. "When you have a race like you've had over the last few years, when it's rained on Sunday I think, it’s still been quite an exciting race. But that's just Monaco. That's just how it's always been, people just need to live with that. Just people are more impatient and stubborn nowadays that they get frustrated with that kind of thing. It's the same. That's Monaco. I think it's still as special as it's always been. It still means just as much as it always has for every driver, for every team member."

'Rather win in Silverstone'

Even though the Monaco Grand Prix is part of the motorsport 'Triple Crown' (together with the Indy 500 and the 24h of Le Mans), for Norris winning his home Grand Prix would be more important. "I'd rather win Silverstone, but just because that's my opinion. I'd rather win my home race than win in Monaco."

However, now getting a small taste of winning back in Miami, Norris also quickly underlined that he still would like to stand on the top step of podium in Monaco too. "But I still want to win in Monaco. Maybe people have different opinions on where they want to win a race, whether it means more in some other places. The one that would mean the most to me and I'd have the most enjoyment from is winning, winning in Silverstone. But Monaco is one you always want to tick off at some point."