Woman who accused Horner confirms: Appeal and complaint to FIA

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Woman accusing Horner confirms appeal and complaint lodged with FIA
19 March at 20:53
  • Ludo van Denderen

Although Christian Horner hoped that the focus this coming weekend would be entirely on the Australian Grand Prix, a new chapter in the story surrounding the Red Bull Racing team boss is coming out on the eve of the race in Melbourne. The woman who accused Horner of inappropriate behaviour confirmed through her media team that a complaint has indeed been lodged with the FIA's ethics committee. Moreover, she has appealed to Red Bull against the earlier decision clearning Horner of misconduct.

Red Bull Racing's PR machine has been working overtime in recent months. Time and again, the Austrian team informed the media that the investigation into Horner had been completed and the Briton had been cleared. Horner himself repeated this message each time, pointing out the heavy burden the whole affair was placing on his family.

Woman steps forward through PR firm

Meanwhile, the woman in question kept her distance. She did not have an extensive PR team behind her, someone who could bring her side of the story. That has now changed. AP reports that the woman accusing Horner has hired a PR firm.

When asked, her new spokesperson informed the US news agency that the rumours were true: The woman has appealed Red Bull GmbH's decision to clear Horner and she filed a formal complaint with the FIA's ethics committee "at the end of last week".

The FIA could not say last week whether this complaint had indeed been filed, but the woman's PR team's announcement has now definitively answered that question anyway. When the internal appeal and complaint to the motorsport federation will be heard is unknown.