Charles Leclerc tops a stop-start FP2 session after two red flags

Breaking News

24 November at 14:03

Charles Leclerc takes P1 in an FP2 session that was stopped two times due to red flags.

FP2 around the Yas Marina Circuit was the most important, giving teams and drivers a chance to simulate longruns and race pace for the final race of the 2023 Formula 1 season.

But more than half the session was lost due to crashes from Carlos Sainz and Nico Hulkenberg, meaning teams and drivers were unable to gather vital data. Lando Norris and Max Verstappen were able to round out the top three.

After ten rookies were involved in the first free practice session, all drivers returned to their cars for the second free practice session.

Sainz sends his car into the barriers

The most important practice session of the weekend was forced to stop after just 10 minutes as Carlos Sainz brought out the first red flag of the session.

The Spaniard lost control of his car around the long and fast turn three right-hander, and while he was sitting in dirty air, a bump on the track derailed his Ferrari and sent it into the barriers.

As a result of the crash, FP2 was delayed for just over 20 minutes, as the barriers at turn three needed time to be repaired.

Hulkenberg brings out a second red flag

The session got back underway after its delay, but a second red flag was brought out just two minutes after the session restarted.

On the exit of the first corner, Nico Hulkenberg lost control of his Haas, and as a result, he slid into the wall and could not continue, leaving his car on the side of the road.

However, the car moved quickly, meaning there were 10 minutes left for drivers to put some laps in.

Leclerc finds pace in the final ten minutes

In what was a hectic final few minutes, fast laps and personal best times continued to be set, with many drivers fitted the red-walled soft tyres and putting together some qualifying runs in the final stages of FP2.

Leclerc was able to show Ferrari's qualifying pace, once again, finishing ahead of the McLaren of Norris and the Red Bull of Verstappen, giving the Italian team hope as the weekend continues.

Valtteri Bottas was able to take a fantastic fourth for Alfa Romeo, who have brought new updates, and Sergio Perez finished off the top five.