F1 News

Vasseur is yet to understand Leclerc’s accident Brazil Grand Prix 2023

Vasseur is yet to understand Leclerc’s accident, satisfied with Sainz

5 November at 20:47

Ferrari could gain points on Mercedes at Interlagos in the constructors' championship, but it still feels like the Italian team have missed out on a great opportunity after Charles Leclerc was unable to finish the formation lap. Team principal Frederic Vasseur commented on everything after the race in Brazil.

"Charles lost the power steering, the hydraulics and the engine. It was a command from the system and we need to understand the reason, but it's a shame because I think it was a good opportunity for Charles and for the team," Frederic Vasseur commented on Leclerc’s accident on the formation lap to F1TV.

'Solid race' by Sainz

Vasseur was also happy with Carlos Sainz overall performance during the Sao Paulo Grand Prix. "Overall, I think it wasn’t a great start at the beginning and then he was into the field and then he was able to come back to overtake the two Mercedes. We are taking points on Mercedes and so I think he did a good race, a solid one. But we have a bitter taste with the fact that Charles didn't do the start," he concluded.