
'I'd be amazed if he could overturn his performance'

24 August 2023 at 11:51
Last update 24 August 2023 at 16:43

Sergio Perez is on course to grab his best ever World Championship finish in Formula 1. He is defending a 40-point lead over Fernando Alonso and the gap towards Lewis Hamilton is 41 points. With ten races to go, is that enough margin to seize that second place? Damon Hill thinks so.

Whereas Nathalie Pinkham thinks Hamilton will still finish above Perez this year and thus run away with P2 in the drivers' championship, Hill thinks otherwise. "I don't think Lewis can get Checo. I'd be amazed if he could overturn his performance. We don't want Checo to have another nightmare middle part of the season like he's had and I think he's turned a corner a bit."

Red Bull goes for one-two

For Red Bull, a one-two in the world championship would be unprecedented. Indeed, the Austrian racing team has never managed it before, not even in Sebastian Vettel's supreme years between 2010 and 2013. Mark Webber, then Red Bull driver, only finished third three times.

"It's leading up to them ticking all the boxes, breaking all the records and I kind of would like to see that happen because then it's a historic season and you were there to witness it - they are breaking all the records as they go and we are going into the unknown," said one-time world champion Hill in the Sky podcast. Red Bull already broke the record for most wins in a row and now also wants to win all races in one season, just as Max Verstappen wants to break the record for most wins in a row.