Weather forecast for the 2023 British Grand Prix

F1 News

Weather forecast for the 2023 British Grand Prix Silverstone
9 July at 09:45
Last update 9 July at 09:38
  • Toby McLuskie

The next Formula 1 race is the 2023 British Grand Prix at Silverstone. Rain has affected the last four Grand Prix weekends in various ways, and it seems as though it could affect the drivers on the weekend. Here is the weather forecast for the 2023 British Grand Prix.

Rain has hit the last four races, with it playing a major part on Saturday in Montreal and Spielberg. It also rained during the Grand Prix in Monaco and at various points in Barcelona. Rain also played a part in qualifying for the British Grand Prix.

What's the weather forecast for the British Grand Prix?

Rain is in the air again for the British Grand Prix. There is a 60% chance of showers at 13:00 and some sharp thunderstorms. This is two hours before the race, with the chance reducing to 50% one hour before the race. At lights out, there is only a 10% chance of rain, though that increases to 30% for the second part of the race. Teams will be constantly looking at their weather radars. Either way, it will be cloudy and, crucially, 6-7c colder than Friday practice. 

Formula 1 returns to its conventional format this weekend after a sprint race weekend in Austria, so the drivers will take full advantage of the extra practice sessions on track. On Friday, they will have the first two of three before completing their final practice session on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, when showers are forecast, the drivers will compete in qualifying to set the grid for Sunday’s race. To find out the exact starting times for the race weekend, click here.

However, with the rain forecast for both days, high humidity is expected when moving from the afternoon to the evening.