No penalty for Verstappen justified: 'Hamilton could've cut to the inside'

F1 News

15 November at 19:51
Last update 15 November at 20:47

The Brazilian Grand Prix was another crazy race. Lewis Hamilton had to start from P10 and fought during the race with his rival Max Verstappen for victory. Formula E and WEC driver Robin Frijns looks back on the race.

Frijns enjoyed the Brazilian Grand Prix and praised Hamilton's performance. "It was a fun race to watch, especially because Hamilton had to come from behind. I have to say that he did really well this weekend", the driver tells the Dutch branch of

The FIA received a lot of criticism from fans afterwards for not giving Verstappen a penalty for his action against Hamilton. Frijns believes that it was not worth a time penalty. "They both drive off the track. Of course Hamilton tries to overtake him via the outside, but Max doesn't allow that. I wouldn't either if I were Max. But Hamilton could have cut to the inside and he would have overtaken Max. They decide together to drive outside the track, so I don't think a penalty was needed."

'You want to have Wolff behind you'

The Dutch driver does not agree with all the comments made by Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff. For example, Wolff thought it was ridiculous that Verstappen did not receive a penalty for his action. Yet Frijns can appreciate his fighting spirit.

"He goes completely for his team. When you have a guy like that behind you as a driver, that's really all you want. I understand him completely. I think it's a bit weird to say 'everyone is against us', but it's hard against hard. You just want a guy like that behind you", he concludes.