F1 News

Albon completely ignores criticisms at social media

Albon completely ignores criticisms at social media

03-09-2020 19:29


For the time being, Alexander Albon can count on the support of his team while he is consistently slower than Max Verstappen. There may always be a difference, but it's still on the big side and that's critical. However, the driver doesn't pay attention to that, he barely takes a look at all the criticisms people share via social media.

Throw your phone away

A lot of criticism, especially anonymous criticism, can get into your head and affect your performance. Negative criticism always has much more impact than positive criticism, but Albon has a simple way of dealing with it. For example, at RaceFans, he says, "It’s quite simple: Just don’t look at anything. Throw away your phone", although I'm sure he didn't mean the latter literally.

"In the end you’re the only one who can really make the change. Obviously all these comments, they’re there, but they’re not in control of anything, I am. So it’s very much [that] you understand it or you see it but it doesn’t affect me. I just see it as they have an opinion, that’s great, but I’m here to be better and that’s what I’m focused on.”

So Albon seems to be mentally resilient to the many messages sent to his address and to prevent it from having an impact, he lets it pass him by. Perhaps the best approach.