F1 News

"Your Dad is a murderer" Claire Williams on the impact of Senna's death

1 May at 13:55

Today marks 25 years since Ayrton Senna's tragic accident which ended the Formula 1 legends life. It was a terrible moment for the sport and the team that he was driving for which at the time was Williams. Williams boss Claire Williams has remembered the impact of the incident on the team and her family. 

"About a year later I remember being in a pub," she explained to GMS. "I don't know how he knew who I was, but a complete stranger came up to me and said: 'Your dad is a murderer'.

"It hadn't really sunk in about how people might feel about the accident. That's not what happened but I guess some people are ignorant."

Frank Williams was in charge of the team at the time and it clearly had a big impact on the team boss. 

"Frank never spoke to anyone about it," Claire Williams said.

"That isn't his personality. He isn't one for therapy or having long conversations. He internalises and keeps it all in. That is how he has been brought up, but you can see the pain in his eyes every time he thinks about the accident.

"Ayrton was a God in our house and had been for many years."