Krack impressed with Alonso: 'Will have a big impact on the team'

F1 News

29 November at 11:38
Last update 29 November at 15:30

Aston Martin team boss Mike Krack is very impressed with Fernando Alonso 's results during the test day last week. Speaking to the BBC Krack says he sees the right attitude in Alonso to take the team forward.

Alonso took his first seat in the Aston Martin during the test day on the Tuesday after the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and immediately showed his best side. The two-time world champion drove a whopping 97 laps on the track, almost twice as many as the race was long.

For team boss Krack, this was a very positive introduction between Alonso and the team. " His efficiency was impressive," Krack explains. "It was straight to the point at all times. Very friendly, open and transparent. Someone with this passion and drive to win, it has an impact on the team. You could clearly see that everyone was really happy to have him in that car. I think he ignited maybe another spark from his own passion and desire to win on to the team."

Same mentality as Vettel

Krack was also asked about Alonso's predecessor Sebastian Vettel, who retired after the last race of this season. " They have different backgrounds, that makes a big difference," Krack said of the two drivers. "But what they have in common is the focus: the focus on improving, the focus on making progress and isolating what makes us progress instead of maybe just being detailed."