Marko sees potential in Fittipaldi: 'Then he will be a good man for us'

F1 News

16 November at 06:43
Last update 16 November at 08:58

Red Bull Racing came out with the news last weekend at the Brazilian Grand Prix that the team is adding Enzo Fittipaldi to the Red Bull Junior Team. Speaking to ORF, advisor Helmut Marko discusses the recruitment of the talented South American.

The grandson of racing legend Emerson Fittipaldi, who took the world title in both 1972 and 1974, is known as a major talent in Formula 2. The driver competes for Charouz Racing this year and is sixth in the championship, tied for points with number four Jack Doohan and number five Jehan Daruvala.

It has resulted in Red Bull deciding to bring him to the formation. Marko tells the Austrian medium that he sees a lot in the talent. "Fittipaldi will compete in Formula 2. If he performs properly, he will be a good man for us," he stated.

Fittipaldi gives Brazil hope

Should Fittipaldi grow into a worthy driver for Red Bull in the coming years, it will mean good news for Brazil. The country has not had a Formula One winner since Ayrton Senna in 1991. "Brazil hasn't had a winning driver for a while. So it's about time again. Maybe he is the right one."