Vettel talks Ferrari: "Happier at Aston Martin'

F1 News

21 December at 19:44
Last update 22 December at 09:34

It remains strange. It is only two years ago that Sebastian Vettel was the biggest challenger of Lewis Hamilton. Nowadays the German sometimes fails to pass Q1 with his Aston Martin. For most sportsmen this would be a reason to feel unhappy.

Strange departure

Sebastian Vettel is apparently different. Even with a supporting role in Formula 1, the four-time world champion is happy. Indeed, F1i quotes from Blick, in which Vettel states he is happier than before at Ferrari. Although he competed for the world title with the Italians for years - albeit in vain. "Well, my departure from Ferrari was maybe a bit strange," Vettel explains. "In that respect, I am happier now than before."

Vettel once came to Ferrari to become world champion with the Italians. Often Ferrari started the year well, but in the end, the Mercedes won the first prize. In his last year the chemistry between Vettel and Ferrari seemed to have completely disappeared. There were even doubts whether the German would continue his career. "But I never want to miss my time at Ferrari, even if my planned big successes failed to materialise there. We wanted to become World Champions," he said.


With the new regulations, Aston Martin hopes to have a more competitive car by 2022. Whether it will succeed? It's written in the stars. "A new set of regulations gives everyone hope. We now have to wait a year and see if everything develops positively – in all regions of the current standings. In short: whether everyone will really move closer together and whether there will be more overtaking."