
Formula 1 staff must adhere to dress code in Saudi Arabia

18 October at 14:23
Last update 18 October at 15:58

On December 5, the first ever Saudi Arabia Grand Prix will take place at the Jeddah Street Circuit. The fact that the country is hosting a race for the first time in Formula 1 history is not the only thing that makes this race special. The teams have been given extensive clothing regulations, reports

Strict Rules

Racing in the Middle East comes with several strict rules that the personnel of the Formula 1 teams and authorities involved have to follow. First of all, there is the dress code. Arms and legs have to be covered at all times.

The staff will therefore have to wear long trousers and shirts up to the elbows during the race weekend. Moreover, transparent materials are not allowed. For women, the shoulders and legs above the knee may not be visible. Women are also advised to wear as little make-up as possible.

In addition to the applicable dress code, there are other rules that must be met. It is advised not to show affection in public or use profane language. These rules apply to everyone who travels to Saudi Arabia, not just F1 personnel.