MotoGP riders unhappy with F1 in Qatar: "The cars can destroy everything"

F1 News

17 October at 12:15
Last update 17 October at 16:18

Soon the Formula One circus will descend upon the Losail International Circuit for the first time for the Qatar Grand Prix. Some of the MotoGP riders who have been racing at the circuit for years are not too happy about it.

The race in Doha will take place in the evening of 21 November and will be a permanent part of the Formula 1 calendar for ten years from 2023. MotoGP riders Aleix Espargaró and Franco Morbidelli would have preferred it to be different and even call it 'bad news'. "The Formula 1 cars can destroy everything because of the downforce," Espargaró told

MotoGP riders express concerns about Formula 1 in Qatar

"I'm happy for the people in Qatar, because in addition to MotoGP they can now enjoy Formula 1 and that's fantastic," continued the Spaniard. "But the tarmac is very even and good now. I just hope they won't destroy it too much."

Morbidelli agreed with his colleague's words. "The first thing I thought was: there will be more bumps , " the Italian indicates, although he also sees advantages in it. "It's nice to see Formula 1 on the same slopes we drive on. It's impressive. I love Formula 1 immensely, I always follow it. It's impressive to see how fast they take the same corners with the race cars," Morbidelli said.

The MotoGP World Championship has been a regular guest in Qatar since 2004. As in past years, the premier class of two-wheelers will also kick off the 2022 season in Qatar. The first Grand Prix of the season is tentatively scheduled for March 6, 2022.