F1 News

'We're on the same line to try something different for the sprint race'

16 September at 17:50
Last update 16 September at 18:34
  • GPblog.com

Last weekend in Monza the second sprint race of the season took place. The opinions are different about the new format. The Ferrari drivers also give their opinion about the new lay-out of the Formula 1 weekend.

The new format introduces qualifying on Friday night, where drivers qualify for the sprint race on Saturday. The change makes Friday's practice more important and intense. On Autosport.com Charles Leclerc gives his opinion. "I quite like this format for the Friday. I think for Friday it's definitely something positive. I am a bit bored on the normal Friday, because FP1, FP2 nothing to win, nothing to lose. You do a bit more laps, it's always good, but you've got so many other chances to recover what you have lost in FP1 for example."

"Now FP1 is a natural session that really is worth pushing and finding the limits in. And I think it's also good for us drivers to just go on a track and push straight away. It's more interesting also for the show." His teammate Carlos Sainz agrees about the format on Friday. "I think Friday is clearly improved for everyone, it's progress. I think FP1 is exciting because you know you cannot put a foot wrong and you need to learn."

Room for improvement on Saturday

However, the men are not equally positive about Saturday's new layout. "I didn't enjoy it as much here in Monza", said Leclerc. "And I feel there's maybe a room to just try something different for the sprint qualifying. There's been already quite a lot of ideas. And I think we are more or less all on the same line to just try and do something different for the sprint qualifying."

Sainz added: "I agree with Charles, that we need to find a way to make Saturday a bit more exciting because, at the moment, I don't think it's giving much of an excitement compared to Saturday qualifying. We need to find a way to make Saturday a bit more exciting."