Krack finds criticism of Las Vegas GP exaggerated: 'Happens elsewhere too'

F1 News

Krack supports GP Las Vegas
23 November 2023 at 09:41

Mike Krack thinks the reaction to the water valve cover that came loose under Carlos Sainz's car in Las Vegas was too extreme, he told

It is a hotly debated topic: the cover that caused a hole in the cockpit of Carlos Sainz's car. The first free practice was immediately cancelled, and the second free practice was moved to 2.30am local time. Fans were not welcome at this free practice.

Krack finds criticism too extreme

Consequently, there has been a lot of criticism of the organisation of the event. Aston Martin team boss Krack thinks it is too extreme how the situation has been reacted to: "We had the unfortunate situation on Friday, obviously. I think the reactions went a bit too extreme because these things can happen, these things have also happened in other places."

"I think all in all, when we look back, it was a great event. It was different and we knew when we came here that it was different. We know that racing in the US is a little bit different than racing in Europe. But I think we have to be open and learn how events are run in the US," Krack concluded.