Does Stroll deserve his F1 seat? 'He can always become a businessman'

F1 News

Does Lance Stroll belong in Formula 1?
11 April at 13:25
Last update 11 April at 15:05

Lance Stroll has been competing in Formula 1 for years. The Aston Martin driver did not seem Formula 1-worthy at first glance but has increasingly shown his talent in recent years. Does the Canadian deserve his seat in the king class? Tom Clarkson and Damon Hill shine their light in the F1 Nation podcast.

Clarkson became impressed with Stroll at the start of the season: "We all thought that he received 'red carpet treatment' since the moment he drove. But no, we saw a guy who wants it. " Where is the bar set for the son of business tycoon Lawrence Stroll? The journalist even sees him winning races. "[In the rain], he is really good. In the right car, he can win races. The Aston Martin is not yet the right car if a Red Bull finishes, but with a bit of jeopardy..."

Does Stroll deserve his F1 seat?

Damon Hill was also positively surprised by Stroll's motivation. After a cycling accident, the driver appeared on the grid with hefty injuries to drive his laps in Bahrain with painkillers. "He doesn't need to drive in Formula 1. He comes from a rich family, so can always maybe work in the business. But we saw in Bahrain that he loves the job," Hill argues.

Whether he deserves his seat? The gentlemen think so: "The Stroll we see now deserves his seat" Clarkson sounds positive.