F1 News

Sainz doesn't care about critics: 'I know what I can do'

17 November at 10:37
Last update 17 November at 11:20
  • GPblog.com

Carlos Sainz failed to live up to high expectations with Ferrari this season. However, the Spaniard is not worried about that, he said in an interview with Mundo Deportivo. Indeed, according to the driver, he is feeling good.

Teammate Charles Leclerc managed to start the season excellently and even briefly topped the world championship, but for Sainz that period was different. He was searching for the ideal set-up of his car which ultimately affected his results.

However, Sainz decided to calmly look at the situation and work behind the scenes with his team to find a solution. It allowed him to compete with Leclerc over the course of the race year and fight for podium places more often.

Sainz has confidence in himself

The driver sees no reason to expect more of himself than is possible. "In fact, I don't feel that I have to take revenge for anything or prove anything to anyone. I know what I can do and that if I am comfortable and fast in a car, I'm above it," he states.

"In the last few races of this season we will prove it. I don't feel I have to take revenge on anyone or what anyone said. I am just doing my job. I am quite clear in that sense and I like to do my own thing."