
No plans for major change at McLaren

23 September at 11:15

McLaren 's team has no plans to drastically change the car next year. Team boss Andreas Seidl tells that he sees no reason to do so.

With fifth place among the constructors, this is probably not the season McLaren had hoped for. Last year they were still competing for third place in the championship, now they have to beat not only the top three teams but also the Alpine team. Still, this is no reason for Seidl to make drastic changes to next year's car design.

In 2023, the technical regulations will remain the same. This gives teams the opportunity to improve and perfect their design from this year. Seidl therefore hopes this will be enough to push their car further forward. With over a second a lap behind the front, there is certainly room for improvement for McLaren, but Seidl says that doesn't mean all plans have to be thrown upside down.

"I think it's a mix of keeping things and new ideas. The new car will not be a total revolution. But it is also clear that we are aiming to take big steps in terms of development."

Different designs are possible

Ferrari, Mercedes and Red Bull have all maintained substantially different designs this year, and yet they have each managed to achieve success with them in their own way. So Seidl also sees this as a sign that inspiration cannot be drawn from just one source. Different designs are possible, and the McLaren team wants to find their own philosophy in them. Seidl says they have figured out what works and what doesn't, and they are going to further develop that.