F1 News

'That heightens the fight between Verstappen and Hamilton even further'

10 August at 06:53
Last update 10 August at 09:32
  • GPblog.com

Red Bull Racing is in contention for the title for the first time in years, and that is of course largely thanks to Adrian Newey. The top designer is enjoying the battle but also sees that the tide can quickly turn.

Red Bull Racing had built up a wide margin over Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton after the Austrian Grand Prix, but within two races that lead has turned into a deficit. A crash and a ninth-place finish for Max Verstappen didn't help in the battle for the constructors' title, and Sergio Perez was also bowled out of the race in Hungary.

Red Bull behind in the championship

''We have to be performing at the highest level in all areas of the business to try and overturn a seven-time World Championship winning team, which I believe we have been doing. The last couple of races have been very painful for us after hitting a sweet spot over the France-Styria-Austria triple-header,'' Newey said on The Red Bull website.

''It really does highlight how quickly things can change. Things were looking very good, particularly after the Austrian Grand Prix, and we had a decent points lead in the two Championships: two races later we’re slightly behind in both which is more painful when it is through no fault of our own. That’s the nature – and the competitiveness – of the sport we’re in. We just have to keep our heads down and keep pushing.''

Duel between Verstappen and Hamilton

For Newey, a battle for the title is nothing new. With Red Bull, he won four consecutive titles between 2010 and 2013, but previously he had also been extremely successful with Williams and McLaren. Another title with Red Bull in combination with engine partner Honda, might just be the crowning glory of his work.

''We have had seen some great races this year through the field but the standout titanic battle is between Max and Lewis and it makes amazing viewing when you see two people absolutely at the top of their game slogging it out every week. The fact that they are in different machinery and are not teammates heightens it even further. It makes an even broader competition and the car and how we manage to adapt to the ever-changing scene does become a factor,'' concludes the Red Bull designer.