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F1 News

Rinus van Kalmthout reveals a special hidden talent

VeeKay reveals his special hidden talent

17 June at 10:30
Last update 17 June at 10:41
  • Sandy van Wijngaarden

On IndyCar' s social media channels, several drivers were asked about their hidden talents. Dutchman Rinus van Kalmthout revealed a very special hidden talent.

Besides racing, many drivers are busy with other things. Max Verstappen, for instance, is busy sim racing in his spare time. Lewis Hamilton, on the other hand, has his own initiative 'Mission 44', for example. IndyCar drivers also keep themselves busy with other things in their spare time.

In a TikTok video on IndyCar's channel, several drivers were asked about their hidden talents. It ranged from 'I have no hidden talents' to 'Definitely not cycling'. VeeKay's hidden talent is the most notable of the video, though. The Dutchman mentioned that he is good at belly dancing, which he then demonstrated.

Watch the video here