Verstappen's girlfriend receives death threats after political statements

F1 News

Verstappen's girlfriend receives death threats
25 October 2023 at 20:00

Kelly Piquet, Max Verstappen's girlfriend, has spoken out against the current situation in Israel and Gaza. The Brazilian has received many hate messages and even death threats on social media.

Verstappen's girlfriend speaks out about situation in Israel and Gaza

The daughter of three-time Formula One world champion Nelson Piquet spoke out on Instagram about the situation in Gaza. "I can’t stop thinking about all pain, suffering, mourning, trauma, shock, despair that the Palestinians in Gaza are living through right now. To imagine all the young innocent souls that have been lost, entire families wiped out, parent-less children, and parents who’ve had to hug their dead children," she wrote.

"I’m also thinking about the hostages that are in the hands of Hamas, and thankful to see that four of them have now been safely released. But the images and videos I am witnessing daily from the horror happening in Gaza is beyond comprehension," she added. She also shared a message calling Israel a "racist, settler-colonial state" and calling for the liberation of Palestine.

Kelly Piquet receives death threats

Following this, Piquet received many hate messages and even death threats. "Instead of coming in my DMs with your death threats, highly abusive language, and other obscene pictures, UNFOLLOW ME. This is not a ~conflict~ this is a genocide. My follower count or brand deals are not more important than a life I could be saving by advocating to stop this. And neither are yours," she continues her argument.

Further, Verstappen's girlfriend calls on people to speak out against "this ethnic cleansing". "It’s only Human to live in freedom and in peace. It’s only Human to ask for a cease fire. It’s only Human to ask for the protection of all CHILDREN. I stand for peace. I stand for love. I stand for freedom."

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