Hamilton on problems with W14: 'Car is unpredictable'

F1 News

hamitlon on mercedes problems
5 May at 16:06
Last update 5 May at 17:50
  • GPblog.com

Mercedes has not lived up to expectations this season with the W14. The aim was to return to the top this year after a disappointing 2022, but again this year a podium seems to be the maximum achievable. Lewis Hamilton reveals that the problems with the W14 have not been solved overnight.

In 2022, the first year of the new regulations, Mercedes disappointed. The team had high hopes for the 'zeropod' design, but were behind Red Bull Racing and Ferrari. In 2023, Mercedes stuck to their innovative car and Mercedes and Ferrari seem closer together, but beating Red Bull is still too much to ask for the German team.

Can Hamilton help?

Hamilton indicates to Sky Sports that, unfortunately for the team, the current problems with the W14 cannot be suddenly fixed and says he too cannot just help his team.

"If I could, I’d be a highly paid engineer, aerodynamicist probably. I mean you always want more, as a driver, you always want more downforce, more power, or less drag," says the Briton.

W14 is unpredictable

Hamilton is known to be struggling in 2023, as his results showed. For example, the seven-time world champion only managed to beat his teammate George Russell in qualifying for the first time last weekend in Baku. "I think a more of a calmer car to drive is what we, what I’m looking for in my setup. It’s quite an unpredictable car. I think we are going in the right direction."