Sainz accepts DNF easier because of horsepower of Ferrari engine


15 July at 16:15
Last update 15 July at 23:19

For Ferrari, the first half of the season in Formula 1 has two faces. On the one hand the Italians in Maranello have developed a very fast car, on the other hand many unnecessary points were lost due to technical problems or strategic mistakes. Carlos Sainz speaks up for his employer.

Sainz appeared to be on course for a safe second place in the Austrian Grand Prix until his engine failed. It was the umpteenth time in 2022 that a Ferrari engine had given up the ghost. Charles Leclerc suffered the same fate in Spain and Baku and customer teams Alfa Romeo Racing and Haas F1 are also suffering.

Excellent Sainz/Ferrari relationship

Ferrari have come a long way with their engine, as in 2020 they had by far the worst power unit in the field. Sainz is proud of the fact that Ferrari has recovered so well in terms of engine power. That reliability still leaves something to be desired is something he accepts. He told

"As a team, we are still motivated, we are united. We are going through a bump in the road, which I think after the step that we've done in the engine this year, I would much rather take this step and take a bump in the road than have an unpowerful (sic) engine that is reliable. I think, as a team, we've done a great job with this year’s engine and we're just going through some issues that are going to be solved, I'm sure," the current world championship number four said.