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fernando alonso on success aston martin 2023

Alonso satisfied: 'With 2012 my best year in Formula One ever'

29 November 2023 at 08:15
  • Ludo van Denderen

Fernando Alonso is known for never making a killing pit of his heart. If the Spaniard does not like something, he always makes it clear. In the past, this has often enough caused friction at the teams he competed for. In his first year with Aston Martin, Alonso was also dissatisfied at times, yet with eight podium finishes, he and his team performed above expectations.

Looking back on his season, Alonso therefore finds it hard to draw any other conclusion: "I see only positives. The difficult moments are, I think, part of the work and of the development for this team," Alonso told the likes of GPblog. "I think we started very strongly, with a car that was surprisingly competitive. Look at the step from last year to this year. Suddenly we were in a position we were not ready for. Fighting Mercedes and Ferrari; top teams and for that level we were not ready."

Aston Martin could no longer keep up with the top teams

During the season, Aston Martin sank back bit by bit, as Alonso too saw. "We maybe took a step back during the season in terms of developing the car. We are not at the highest level yet. We noticed that we were a bit less competitive. But all in all, I think 12 months ago it was unthinkable that we would run this season. I remember exactly last year's post-race test here with the team. If someone had told me we would be in the position we are in now, I wouldn't believe it. So yes, it was very good."

Alonso is now 42, but he drove like a young god this season. "I am happy with my own performance. I think along with 2012, this was my best season. I mean in terms of driving style. I am happy with everything. I was motivated. I was fit. As you said, I performed sometimes in difficult conditions; Bahrain, Monaco, Canada, Monza and Brazil will be my top four or top five of the year."

"I put Monza in there on purpose, even though it was ninth place. It was not a podium. It was nothing people will remember. But we probably had the slowest car at Monza or the second slowest. And to drive in the points: everything went very well there."