F1 News

Lance Stroll comments on Aston Martin's speed in Austria

Aston Martin was slower in Austria: 'Bringing updates'

7 July at 07:48
Last update 7 July at 09:13

Aston Martin were slower in Austria than during previous weekends. The British racing team ended in fifth (Alonso) and ninth place (Stroll), whereas before that, Fernando Alonso was on the podium every race weekend, and now his teammate Lance Stroll tried to explain that lack of pace.

"Yes, it was not our most competitive weekend," stated the Canadian, who himself seemed to have actually gained some speed compared to his teammate. The youngster even finished ahead of the two-time world champion in the sprint race. "We have some ideas why, but I think we have a few upgrades this weekend, a few bits that we're bringing to the car to try and improve some of those, some of the weaknesses that we had in Austria."

'Updates should help'

Later, the son of team owner Lawrence Stroll tries to identify the issue: "A bit of straight-line speed, some through corner balance, you know, issues." The Red Bull Ring is known for its high-speed corners in the second and third sectors. Silverstone's circuit consists mostly of corners where drivers have to carry a lot of speed. Stroll hopes the updates will bring the desired effect: "Hopefully, we will be a bit stronger again."