Audi denounce rumour: Binotto was not visiting our home base


audi disputes that binotto visited home base
12 June at 16:31
Last update 12 June at 19:37

Mattia Binotto is unemployed after leaving Ferrari. The former team boss of the Maranello team is currently on 'gardening leave', but as far as is known, he has not signed anywhere to start work in the future either. However, reports that Binotto has been in talks with Audi have been denied by the German brand.

Binotto did not pay a visit

Last week, Business F1 magazine revealed that Binotto had met with the bosses of the Audi project. As well as that, he had a guided tour of the German home base in Neuberg, reportedly. Remarkably, Binotto would not have been impressed by this at all. In private messages, allegedly leaked, the 53-year-old Swiss Italian even called the Audi managers "clowns". At least, that was reported. However, it now turns out not to be true after all. inquired with Audi, and a spokesperson for the team gave the following statement: "Regarding recruitment, what we need to recognise is the Formula 1 project for Audi Sport here in Neuburg, it’s an important transformation project." Whether Binotto will (eventually) be considered for a position within the F1 team was not said.

Audi will be seen in Formula 1 from 2026 with its own team, along with its own engine. Andreas Seidl, former McLaren team boss, is currently the CEO of Sauber and will ensure a smooth transition when Audi soon takes over the team. Furthermore, as CEO of Audi Formula Racing GmbH, Adam Baker is the head of the F1 project. A further team boss is expected to be recruited.