Can Hamilton beat Verstappen this year? 'Max is in great shape'

F1 News

Ted Kravitz on Verstappen in 2023
22 February at 15:00
Last update 22 February at 18:54

In 2021, we saw the epic battle between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton for the world title. Both drivers were on top form and the finale was tight. Last year, we saw nothing similar to that battle and it also remains to be seen whether anyone can match Verstappen this year.

Formula 1 reporter Ted Kravitz has expressed his secret hope that Verstappen and Charles Leclerc fight the final battle à la 2021 this year. But, Leclerc only stands a chance against the Dutchman if Ferrari get their act together.

Hamilton as opponent

Kravitz believes Max Verstappen is in top form, he told Sky Sports F1. It is, according to him, one of the main reasons why Red Bull is hard to beat at the moment. Who can start making it difficult for him is difficult to determine, but one name Kravitz does drop is Lewis Hamilton.

“Lewis’ form, we haven’t seen the championship form of Lewis yet because he hasn’t been in a championship [fight] since the end of 2021, which we all know what happened then,” said the reporter. In other words, whatever form the Mercedes driver gets into this year, it still says nothing about the final outcome. Verstappen is in supreme shape.