F1 News

Emerson Fittipaldi has advice for Sergio Perez

Former world champion gives same advice to Perez as he gave to Senna

17 June at 09:37
Last update 17 June at 11:20
  • Toby McLuskie

Two-time world champion Emerson Fittipaldi sees Sergio Perez struggling. After several incidents, the Mexican seems to have lost his magic for a while. Speaking to Lat.Motorsport.com, the Brazilian former driver has some advice for the Red Bull man.

Fittipaldi draws a striking comparison between Sergio Perez and racing legend Ayrton Senna. "As a top athlete, sometimes you go through a difficult period mentally," he states. "Dealing with criticism is sometimes very difficult. I once said to Ayrton Senna: 'Nobody cares in the paddock what others think. Focus on driving, find yourself back in the cockpit!'" He saw that Senna suffered a lot from outside criticism and would like to give Perez the same advice.

Huge pressure for Perez

The Mexican was hoping to fight for the world title after a strong start to the season, but after disappointing qualifying results in Australia, Monaco and Spain, that dream seems to have faded. Despite this, Fittipaldi thinks things can still work out for Perez. "He will feel a huge pressure, but also knows he is driving for the best team, with the fastest car. He will come back. He is experienced and knows himself that he is good."