F1 News

Ferrari win 24 hours of Le Mans example for entire team

Ferrari chief cites Le Mans victory as example for all

12 June 2023 at 06:57
Last update 12 June 2023 at 08:58

Ferrari's triumph at the Le Mans 24 Hours is a great story, and Ferrari chief John Elkann emphasises that. The Italian was extremely proud and thinks the victory should serve as an example for the whole brand.

After 50 years, Ferrari returned with a team at the biggest motorsport event in endurance racing. In a remarkably short time, Ferrari were able to field a team within that announcement, a team that could win the 24-hour race, which they went on to achieve.

Le Mans victory should set an example for the whole of Ferrari

In a press statement, Elkann announced, "We're proud indeed to have taken Italy once again to the top step of the podium at Le Mans, celebrating in the best possible style the centenary of the most important race of its kind in the world." Elkann thanked big Ferrari names like Antonello Coletta and Amato Ferrari, as well as the entire team and drivers.

"This victory that Antonello Coletta, Amato Ferrari and the entire team, from our mechanics to our drivers, have achieved today in such challenging conditions - because of the 24-hour duration, the unpredictable weather and the impressive strength of our competitors - serves as an example for us all. The emotions they have given to our Tifosi on a great day that brings together past, present and future. It is also a reminder of the importance of finding the courage and the humility to always improve."