F1 News

Former team boss Capito departure Williams

Capito declares farewell at Williams: 'Relatively tiring'

2 February 2023 at 16:55
Last update 2 February 2023 at 19:35
  • GPblog.com

Jost Capito reacts opposite F1-insider.com on his departure from Williams. The former team boss of the British formation is proud of the team's development and expects it to continue its upward trajectory in the coming years.

For many, it came as a surprise when Williams and Capito jointly announced that the partnership would end. However, the 64-year-old team boss, who had held the role since June 2021, had had it in his mind for quite some time that he wanted to say goodbye.

"From the outside, of course you don't have the insight, but I originally stated that I would do it for two years, possibly a third year," the German stated. "But now that there are so many races, it is relatively tiring. And it takes longer than two or three years to bring the formation back to the top."

Partly because of the 23 race weekends scheduled this season, Capito therefore decided to enter into internal talks about the future. In a joint decision, both parties agreed that it was better to appoint a successor. Williams eventually found that in James Vowles.

Capito's future in motorsport

Capito himself does not expect to hold another major position. "I have to see what I can do. I would like to help somewhere, maybe in an advisory role. I just want to help where I can help. But not in such a big company with so many people and all the day-to-day business."