F1 News

RB19 three kilos lighter in 2023

'RB19 three kilos lighter than its predecessor, Ferrari below minimum'

5 January 2023 at 07:44
Last update 5 January 2023 at 09:03
  • GPblog.com

Red Bull Racing and Ferrari are reportedly already working hard behind the scenes to slim down the new 2023 car. The question is how much both teams manage to take off the weight.

With the new 2022 regulations, many designers were searching for the right balance. Of course you want to stay as close as possible to the minimum lower limit of 796kg, but updates, in addition to extra weight, can also make the car go faster. For next year, teams hope to start lighter already.

Ferrari and Red Bull on a diet

According to Motorsport.com Ferrari is even aiming for a car lighter than the minimum lower limit. This would give it the option to add ballast to the car to ensure it is better balanced. This should especially help in the area of tyre management which the F1-75 had a lot of problems with in 2022.

Red Bull Racing, which struggled much more than Ferrari to stay near the lower limit in 2022, is also aiming for a lighter car. There are rumours, for instance, that a new chassis for the RB19 has already been homologated that is three kilos lighter than its predecessor. This would already take Red Bull a big step forward from the RB18.