FIA reveals new sporting code, championship points can now be taken away
F1 News

- Savannah Lenz
After handing out community service and fines over the past 2024 Formula 1 season, the FIA have updated their International Sporting Code to reflect new punishments for the 2025 F1 season. Now, drivers have more to lose than ever.
Published on 22 January, the FIA has released the newest version of Appendix B: Stewards Penalty Guidelines, which is a part of the International Sporting Code. The new guidelines outline the punishment for breaching the rules laid out by the International Sporting Code.
Drivers can now lose championship points
During every race weekend, Formula 1 has a rotation of stewards who make the decisions for that race weekend. Now, underlined by the newest update to Appendix B, the drivers will face more severe consequences for rule violations.
Regarding Article 12.2.1.f, which states "any words, deeds or writings that have caused moral injury or loss to the FIA, its bodies, its members or its executive officers, and more generally on the interest of motorsport and on the values defended by the FIA.", the first offence is a fine of €10,000. The same amount is also set for the first offence of Article 12.2.1.l ISC, any misconduct and Article 12.2.1.n ISC, any public incitement to violence or hatred. The second offence for the articles mentioned above is a fine of €20,000 plus a 1-month suspension – which is suspended.
The highest monetary fine is under the third offence for Article 12.2.1.p ISC. This states that failure to comply with the instructions of the FIA regarding the appointment and participation of persons during official ceremonies at any competition counts towards an FIA Championship. Failing to follow that rule will result in a fine of €45,000 plus suspension of access to Reserved Areas(s) of the event for 6 months plus a deduction of Championship points.
The third offence for all articles features a dedication of championship points. While the set amount is not specified, it is made clear in the newest version of the ISC that the document "serves as a guideline to assist stewards in determining fines for violations of certain articles of the ISC".
Due to Formula 1 being a level four sport, all penalties will be multiplied by four. Thus making the lowest possible fine for F1 drivers €40,000. These rules are set in place for the International Series, the FIA regional championships, FIA Cups and FIA World Championships, and the FIA Formula 1 World Championship.
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