F1 News

Are Sauber in trouble? Title sponsor Stake under investigation

- Ludo van Denderen
Sauber’s main sponsor, Australian gambling company Stake, is under scrutiny. The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has launched an investigation into its practices. The company is accused of circumventing the UK’s strict gambling laws by posting its logo on social media, allegedly as part of prohibited advertising campaigns. Reports suggest that these campaigns were conducted via platform X.
In Britain, online gambling is permitted, but strict regulations govern advertising to protect vulnerable groups, especially minors. The rules specify that gambling advertisements must not strongly appeal to children or young people. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is responsible for enforcing these regulations. It monitors and takes action against violations to maintain compliance and safeguard public interests.
Stake under scrutiny
The ASA has launched an investigation into Stake following multiple complaints, as reported by The Guardian. The complaints centre on posts featuring Stake's logo, which were allegedly shared by parties outside the UK but remain visible within the country. This visibility potentially breaches UK advertising regulations, prompting the ASA to examine the matter further. If the investigation confirms a violation, the ASA may take action to ensure compliance with the rules.
The ASA will evaluate the validity of the complaints against Stake to determine if further action is warranted. If the complaints are justified, the ASA may refer the matter to the UK Gambling Commission. The Gambling Commission would then have the authority to decide whether sanctions should be imposed on Stake, potentially impacting its operations and advertising practices within the UK.
At the Australian Grand Prix last year, Stake wasn't allowed to advertise since online casinos are not legal in Australia. Therefore, Sauber used its backup branding in Kick. This change was also seen in Qatar, Spain, and other races.
Still, Stake will be the namesake of the Sauber Formula 1 team once again in 2025. From 2026, the team will officially be Audi.
This article was written in collaboration with Toby Nixon
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