F1 News

Piastri reaction after qualifying

Piastri sees chances: 'With our recent form, victory is possible'

18 May at 16:26
  • Cas van de Kleut

Oscar Piastri just missed out on pole position in Imola. The Australian fell 0.074 seconds short of being faster than Max Verstappen. After qualifying, the McLaren driver expresses his hope for Sunday's race.

When asked about what he thought of his lap, Piastri replied, "It was pretty good, a little bit of a scruffy last corner but here it’s so, so difficult to do a perfect lap. So really happy."

"I’ve been really comfortable with the car from the moment we put it on track yesterday. So, so close to pole, but very happy. It’s been a little while since I’ve been back up here," Piastri continued.

Piastri thinks victory is possible

The McLaren has clearly taken a big step forward in terms of performance. Piastri therefore thinks he can compete for victory in Imola: "I think so. Normally we would say no, but I think with our form recently, it's possible. We’ll see what we can do (tomorrow)."

"I think we’ve definitely been on the pace all weekend. You can never count out Max and Red Bull of course, like we’ve just seen, but I think the confidence is high. Of course, it’s not the easiest track to overtake on, but the confidence is high that we can do something good," Piastri concluded.

This article was written in collaboration with Olly Darcy